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MOTORWATT ⚡ Green Energy Community

MOTORWATT Green Energy Community

Green energy (Renewable or regenerative energy) - Renewable energy - energy from sources that, according to human concepts, are inexhaustible.

Renewable energy is energy derived from natural sources that is replenished at a faster rate than it is consumed. The basic principle of the use of renewable energy is to extract it from processes constantly occurring in the environment and provide it for technical use. Renewable energy is derived from natural resources - such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat - that are replenished naturally. Renewable energy production creates far fewer emissions than burning fossil fuels. The transition from fossil fuels, the main source of emissions, to renewable energy sources is key to overcoming the climate crisis.

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9 Most Unusual Vehicles - Future Tech Transportation Systems #2

By Electromobili in New Electric Vehicles 770 views 16th Mar, 2023 Video Duration: N/A
Hello! Planes, trains and automobiles! There are many different ways to get around these days, yet there’s always room for improvement!
Let’s take a look at 9 of the most unusual vehicles and Future Tech Transportation Systems that may forever change the way you get from A to B…or not!

➤ Concept 1865-Rethinking Materials E-Bike
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/ @basf

➤ eFOLDi Lite: Compact Folding Powered Scooter
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/ @efoldi

➤ Jetson ONE: Personal Aircraft (Flying Car)
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Youtube ☛

/ @jetsonaero

➤ VW Sedric: Volkswagen’s Autonomous Concept Car
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/ @volkswagengroupc...

➤ HumanCar
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/ @humancar

➤ Renault EZGO Concept Car
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/ @renaultgroup

➤ Aether Cruise: Luxury Cruise Concept by Mac Byers
Youtube ☛

/ @pkimpact

➤ MaTeHyS: Powerfull Individual Electric Vehicle by GenStreet
Youtube ☛

/ @gen-street1382

➤ E-trace: Electric Snow Bike by Arosno
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/ @arosnoe-trace1143

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